martes, noviembre 25, 2008

.i'm falling off and i need you terribly.

the thing is, babe, i don't want us to be over. i'd go around the world. i'd throw myself from a skyscraper. i'd stop doing everything i love to do. i'd resing to every little thing on this planet that keeps me moving on. i'd stop breathing. i'd write you a song. i'd stop crying. i'd stop fighting. i'd go wherever you want me to. i'd rip my heart out. i'd tie my hands and sit on the middle of a highway. i'd do anything.

i loved you so very fucking much.

2 comentarios:

Каролина dijo...

Es mil veces más facil admitir que quieres a otra persona en otro idioma, suena menos mamón, suena más romantico, quizás, no sé. já

shadshed dijo...

tu blog es tan... tan... rosado y blanco.