domingo, mayo 02, 2010

these violent delights have violent ends.

don't speak in anger,
don't speak in angst,
don't speak in tears,
don't speak from the heart.
remain in silence as long as it takes.
don't shoot.
i'm not ok.
i swallow with the intention of swallowing the pain.
i place both my hands over my ears to try to stop my head from spinning.
i wrap my arms around my chest just to stay in one piece.
i can't even put sentences together because i'm so broken.
no, don't shoot.
i'm still broken.
i can't fix this mess.
i can't fix me.

1 comentario:

Maracujá dijo...

mochile, he de tener nuevo blog.
vuestros textos hacen partir mi alma y reconstruirla de hermoso dolor.

te ami